Monday 13 April 2009

The Godfather?

So what exactly is going on in Ambridge. Lillian is likely to wake up with a
horse's head in her bed courtesy of Matt's former business partner Stephen Chalkman - and who will end up in jail for that then?
Meanwhile what is motivating Yvette, Greg's daughter who has turned up to live with the brilliantly cheerful Helen. I'm with Tony on this one (for once) - there's something fishy with that girl!

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Tangled Webs

So Matt gets Brenda on side by 'bribing' her over her eavesdropping - she'd heard how badly burnt Matt & his business associate have been with some 'marginal' deals - and this may prove Brian's undoing. The 'bribe' she can't afford to accept is money to go to Tom's pig business, and this will allow him to get away from Brian's supermarket deal - already in deep water because Hannah has pulled the plug by returning full time to college - despite (or perhaps because of) Tom's poor staff management. Ah well, the horrors of capitalism reach Ambridge - but how unfortunate is it that businessmen are always the bad guys in The Archers, throughout its long history. What with that and Shula's smug triumphalism - she's ALWAYS proved right in every situation - how much longer can I bear it?

Tuesday 3 February 2009


Why is that in the strange world of Ambridge people are constantly arranging surprises - and these surprises always work out badly. Now it is Susan & Neil's silver anniversary and Neil is arranging a surprise trip to London - while Susan is arranging a massive party at The Bull. Both are pretending that nothing is going on - so come the day there will confusion and disappointment - but rarely hlarity. Meanwhile there are arguments over the flat over the shop. The contenders are Chris (not wished for by Susan) Fallon and Helen. How was it decided? By drawing bearmats - or not...the result was not approved of by Helen or Susan.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Bringing Home the Bacon

A fascinating study of business life in Ambridge - Brian is turning over Tom's business to the greed of the Supermarkets (and we all know where that will lead) and Matt (the property tycoon) is heading towards bankruptcy. A whole lot of chickens are coming home to roost (mixed metaphors I know) and Lillian and her sister Jennifer are going to feel the fallout in the not too distant future. Now why did Michael Ball & his reviewer on Sunday's programme suggest that the Archers was dull and boring?

Sunday 11 January 2009

Gambling - in all senses

Several characters are gambling with their futures just now. The appalling Alastair (husband of the equally appalling Shula) has become involved with fellow gambler Ryan - and is keeping this quiet from his wife (Don't ask me why). Trouble is blabbermouth brother of Shula, Kenton, knows all about it - and will definitely spill the beans. Shula, meanwhile is clearly planning something to do with the Church to spoil the fun for newly weds Usha and Vicar Alan. Then of course cuckolded Will has become involved again with child beater Nik (again don't ask me why) and has as a result turned into mushroom destroyer - he reversed into a stone fake saddle stone put on the grass verge by newcome Mrs Noakes - she will certainly find out about it - with disastrous results for all concerned.

Monday 5 January 2009

Pigs & Lambs

The Archers is obviously returning to its original remit of 'the life and times of countryfolk. Tonight we were given a brief lecture about pig keeping
followed by an analysis of lambing and the problems of keeping (or losing) good farm workers. Eddie of course as the resident 'jack of all trades' featured largely throughout. So did Tom, who bizarrely was the good employer in contrast to Brian's bad employer portrait.

Friday 2 January 2009

I Can't Take Much More

OK so I know they have to keep writing in some 'love interest' but do we really have to put up with endless sweet nothings from Will & the appalling child smacker Nik? Last night's episode made me so quickly want to grab the sick bucket! Shula, meanwhile, is looking for allies in her campaign to prove Vicar Alan wrong in his marriage to Usha the Hindu. She got the knock back from Peggy the reactionary, but she'll keep looking. What is she hoping to achieve though?